Monday, February 22, 2010

Who is Peter Joseph?

For those of you not familiar with the film "Zeigeist: Addendum", I highly recommend watching it. This is a miniature documentary on Peter Joseph, the director of both Zeitgeists films.

My favorite quote:

"There are a great number of people out there, that know something is wrong. But they do not understand the source of that wrong-ness, because they are inside the box of indoctrination....People are locked into a box, they see the box surround them, they see the leaks, and the holes, and the cracks, and they go up to the cracks, and they try to fix them. They try to patch the holes. But they don't stop to think, that maybe there is something wrong with the box itself. Maybe the integrity of the box that they exist in is inherently invalid, it's inherently void..."

Well I hope you enjoy this :)

With Love, Sir Luis Miguel Rivera

There is story of a sage who was once asked to curse another man. He was told that the person in question was evil and wanting to hurt everyone that came his way. The sage replied, "instead of cursing him, wouldn't it be easier to bless him so that he'll be able only to see the Light? If he can only see the Light, the rest will be taken care of, won't it?"

Today, bless the people you want to curse. You can't fight darkness with darkness. Fight it with Light.

1 comment:

  1. Nice one..... way to spam Tim and Eric.

    "Get ready to be famous"

