Thursday, January 28, 2010

Nabisco, Awk-Word / World Turned Upside Down

Ok, so some news. My friend, Nina Berithova has a blog now, so check her out.

I also got some pretty fly headphones. Granted they're not as fly as the ones of the guy in the picture below, but they are definitely up there.

Speakers are nice, but they simply don't deliver the rich sound that my tastes require.

On another note, something that I want to address. It's something that I've been doing subconsciously for as long as I've been alive, and been able to remember. It wasn't until recently that it even crossed my mind, as something that I was doing. And what I've noticed is that a solid 80% of any given day, I'm all tense and a little bit jittery. For example, I have a habit of shaking/tapping/etc my foot/knees/leg almost 24-7. I have another habit of always tightening up my stomach muscles, almost as if I was anticipating a punch in the gut from someone. Tapping my pencil, too. I'm always in a rush to get to places, and in a rush to leave. Like I have difficulty staying calm, and enjoying myself in any given situation. I'd say that the only times that I'm calm, and relaxed, would be right when I wake up in the morning (most mornings anyway), and right before I go to sleep. It's very rare, that you'll see me relax, or non-anxious.

And all this never really ever bothered me, until I specifically noticed it. It's always been pretty much natural for me to be this way. What I noticed, is that I don't take time to take LARGE DEEP BREATHS throughout the day. My breathing has always been rather shallow.

So what I want to do is start getting in the habit of slowing down my day, and taking some deep breaths.

On a lighter note, I was thinking of the word (company really, or name) "Nabisco", and I just kept chanting it, and I don't know, it just sounds awkward. Nabisco, is just a bizarre sound. Nabisco, Nabisco, Nabisco, ***eeegghghgheefff***

I've also discovered a Coldplay song that I've never heard before. It's not easy finding this either. If you want the download link, hit me up, and I'll give it to you.

"World Turned Upside Down" - Coldplay

X & Y
The land, sea, rivers, trees, the stars, the sky
That and this
We're part of a bigger plan
Don't know what it is
Don't know what it is

You and me
The land, sun, trees, the sky, the stars, the sea
365 Degrees
I am a puzzle, you're the missing piece
Hang on a minute, just a minute please
I'll come
And everything under the sun
And everything under the sun

What is this feeling that I can't explain
And why am I never gonna sleep again
What is this thing I've never seen before
A little boy lost in a breaking storm

Hide and sob, and away they fly
To write your name in the summer sky
Life has really only just begun
Life that comes
And everything under the sun

X is Y (why)
The land, sea, rivers, trees, the stars, the sky
365 Degrees
All of the surface and the underneath
Searching your mellow and outsings your key, ah
And everything under the sun
And everything under the sun

What is this feeling that I can't explain
And why am I never gonna sleep again
What is this thing I've never seen before
A little boy lost in a breaking storm

Hide and sob, and away they fly
To write your name in the summer sky
Life has really only just begun
Life that comes
And everything under the sun

And you don't know that you've been born
Can't see the calm until the storm
Can't tell your right side from your wrong
Can't see the wave you're riding on

And speaking of the world turned upside down, that's the case for me. If my mother has her way, tomorrow I'll have to move out of the house, because I haven't been able to attain a J-O-B yet. So it'll be interesting to see how these next couple hours play out. For whatever it's worth, keep me in your thoughts and prayers.

Goodnight, and Goodluck

Write Upside Down

With L♥ve, Luis

~Praise Tarvu~
No matter what you say, what you do, what tools you use your efforts are empty if they're without love.

Today, live your life with love.


  1. luis miguel rivera, that is a very portuguese name, speak the language?
    of course you can, don't mind at all.
    i am thinking about exploring the topic, might write down a few more ideas later on.
    also, about your post, i'm all for taking the day slower, life is not about rushing through things. just explore everything to its max, dont waste any of it.
    K, thanks for visiting our blog.


  2. Why not make this blog your job? We are all meant to make a living by following our excitement and passion. The "system" in place is designed to have us believe otherwise. The only "shoulds" and "should nots" are the ones which we create for ourselves.
